Even though I’ve never read The Tale of Two Cities – I have that title in my head.
Just like in 2023, ’24 was another up-and-down year. The two tales, so to speak, are that…. the first half of 2024 was on a high, and things seemed to be clicking on all levels. Somewhere around July-ish, I hit a 3-4 month lull, acted out of character, embarrassed myself, and treated those closest to me in ways they didn’t deserve. Now, as of this writing, ’24 is ending on an ‘up’ note.
I guess that makes it three tales of 2024, but let’s take a deeper look at what happened…
A Few Lessons I Learned in 2024
1 – When My Values Are Out Of Whack, My Life Is Too

Darren Kanthal and Rachel Leigh in front of a waterfall in Bethel NY.
This first lesson learned is more of a reminder since I coach with these values every day, but it’s an important one: when my values are out of whack, my life is too. As you may have read in previous blogs, my top values are health and wellness, freedom, adventure, comfort, flexibility, and connection. When I don’t prioritize these values (as you’ll see below), things tend to get messy. If you don’t know your own core values – I encourage you to take my values assessment. It’s the only assessment I know that helps you prioritize your values unbiasedly.
2 – Our Physical Environment Is a Great Influencer on How We Show Up

A street with vendors in Cartagena Columbia
During a trip to Cartagena, Colombia, Rachel and I were bombarded daily with vendors trying to sell us sombreros, magnets, white coffee (that’s what they call cocaine), and whatever else they were trying to pedal. If we happened to make eye contact and engage in a conversation – they followed us. If we said we’re from Denver – guess what? Their ‘cousin’ was from Denver too.
All this commotion and a general sense of annoyance and discomfort – took Rachel and me out of our element. (You can read more about our journey to Colombia here.) That made me realize that my physical environment and surroundings contribute significantly to how I show up, both in my personal life and in business.
3 – Creating Guardrails That Suit You Is Key

Darren Kanthal and Rachel Leigh on a mountain bike trip
Creating guardrails that suit you (or, in this case, me) is key! It’s not what someone else wants or says you should do – it’s up to us to create what’s important and just do it! For example, when I left corporate America, one of my aspirations was never to write my resume again. To date – I haven’t! Here’s another example: I quite like the brainless scrolling of social media. However, if I’m not careful, I can get sucked into 2-hour scroll holes. My newest guardrail is an iPhone setting for a 30-minute limit on Facebook, and so far – it’s been brilliant!
4 – Be an Observer of Your Own Life

Darren Kanthal and Rachel Leigh at the Five Points Jazz Festival.
I was introduced to this idea many years ago, and I immediately mocked and judged it – mainly because it didn’t make sense to me. But, I was reintroduced to it in 2020, and now I can’t not do it. Even during that 3-4 month lull I mentioned earlier, I observed my attitude, behaviors, and actions with curiosity – and aggravation with myself. I watched events play out as the driver and observer of myself – how the scenes unfolded, how others reacted towards me, and ultimately, what I had to apologize for.
Not hitting my goals is also something I observed in myself. As much as I hate to admit it – I don’t live a consistent enough life to achieve all my goals. For whatever reason, I pick and choose where to be consistent – and then quickly dismiss and accept my own bullshit about why it’s OK not to be consistent in those areas. And then I complain about why I don’t hit the very goals I’m not consistently getting after. As my buddy from college says…dumbest.
Then, there were my observations about “being a part of the conversation” in 2024. Throughout my professional life, my common refrain was, ‘I just want to be part of the conversation and have a voice.’ Generally speaking, for my work today – I’m part of all the conversations. I’m lucky enough to have great clients who bring me into their world, trust me enough with their vulnerability, and allow me to be part of the conversation.
Entering 2025 With a New Set of Goals

Clock tower in Cartanega, Torre del Reloj
I love NYE! Even when I was younger (and drunker), there’s something about the ceremony and ritual of the countdown, the ball dropping in Times Square, the calendar year changing. Again in the words of my college bud…best!
Now, stepping into a new year, here are some of the goals I look forward to…
Exhibit consistency better than I have in 2024. When I fall off the wagon of consistency, I will do my best to get back on as fast as possible.
I’m going to honor the 30-minute Facebook limit.
I’m going to be more mindful of my finances. And much to my best buddy Theo’s chagrin, I’m not committing to a budget YET, but there’s still time to reconsider that in 2025. (If you’re on the hunt for a Financial Advisor, I’m happy to introduce you to Theo – and he can introduce you to his favorite budgeting tool YNAB).
I aim to be an even better partner to Rachel – in life and in business.
I’m lucky to have a great partner who supports me through my ups and downs, lefts and rights. Since we’ve joined forces in business, I now call her ‘my partner in all things.’ Even though fully integrating our lives hasn’t always been smooth, I couldn’t have a better partner – love you, babes!
Behind the scenes, Rachel and I have been working to reorganize and reposition The Kanthal Group. Since she joined, we’ve been reimagining the impact we want to have on our clients, our business, and our lives. I anticipate announcing those changes in the first part of 2025.
Now, these are just a few of the goals I’ve been reflecting on, and I’m sure more will unfold as the year progresses. So, if you’re curious about the rest – reach out to me. You’ll find that I’m the only Darren Kanthal on LinkedIn.
Closing Thoughts

Darren and Rachel with friends at a concert at Red Rocks
In closing, I’d say that life is generally good. I’ve got great friends and family, I live in Colorado, I mountain bike, exercise, eat well, and the sun shines. We have blue skies often; it gets hot, it gets cold, the world turns, and the sun rises and sets.
During my meditation retreat in 2022, our guide suggested that even in the hardest of days – there’s often some beauty to marvel over. I try to live those words.
So, here’s to a happy and healthy New Year — see ya in 2025!