“If you’re choosing not to do something different, then you’re choosing the status quo. Don’t complain about it.” – Darren Kanthal Brief Summary/Overview: In this episode of The Leadership RaDar, we’re breaking down the exact tools we use in our coaching programs to...
Real Talk About Strategic Leadership Coaching
The Leadership Crisis: Who Are You When the Office Lights Go On?
"You’ll never win by trying to meet someone else’s standards. It’s more important to like yourself for who you are than for others to like you for who you’re not." – Rachel Leigh Brief Summary/Overview: In this episode of The Leadership RaDar, we cut through the noise...
What Executives Really Tell Their Coaches: The Truth About Leadership, Life, and Health
“Your life isn’t in silos. If your health or home life isn’t optimized, it will bleed into your leadership. Period.”— Rachel Leigh Brief Summary/Overview: In this episode, we take you behind the scenes to uncover the unfiltered truth about what executives reveal to...
The Two Tales of 2024: Lessons Learned
Even though I’ve never read The Tale of Two Cities – I have that title in my head. Just like in 2023, ’24 was another up-and-down year. The two tales, so to speak, are that…. the first half of 2024 was on a high, and things seemed to be clicking on all levels....
The Power of Your Environment: Lessons from Travel, Nutrition, and Leadership
"Your environment isn’t just the space around you; it’s the foundation of your well-being, success, and connection." — Rachel Leigh Brief Summary/Overview: In this episode of RaDar Love, we dive into the profound impact of environment on every aspect of life—from our...
Optimize Your Everything: The Intersection of Health, Leadership, and Life
“Your life isn’t in silos. If you’re struggling at home, it impacts your health. If you’re stressed at work, it affects your relationships. It’s all interconnected.” — Rachel Leigh Brief Summary/Overview: In this episode of RaDar Love, we explore how health,...
The “Six-Inch Problem”: Managing the Space Between Your Ears
"The real challenge isn’t just building skills—it’s learning to manage the six inches between your ears." — Darren Kanthal Brief Summary/Overview: In this episode of The Kanthal Group LinkedIn Live, we dive into the internal challenges that leaders face when trying to...
Why Band-Aids Won’t Fix Bullet Wounds: Finding The Root Cause for Real Change
"Surface fixes are like Band-Aids on bullet wounds. Until you're ready to dig deeper, lasting change just isn't going to happen." — Rachel Leigh Brief Summary/Overview: In this episode of The Kanthal Group LinkedIn Live, we dive into the difference between quick fixes...

Darren Kanthal
Darren Kanthal, Founder of The Kanthal Group, is a values-driven leadership and career coach with over 20 years of experience in HR and Talent Acquisition. Darren is intensely passionate about helping mid-career leaders cut through the BS, do the foundational work, and achieve their greatness.

Rachel Leigh
Rachel Leigh helps high-achieving women leaders rewrite the rules of success with a holistic approach to performance and wellness. With 20+ years of experience and a wealth of certifications, Rachel equips her clients to lead with impact while reclaiming their health and vitality.