If you are a job seeker, or looking to make a transition in your career, this is for you.


Over the past 5+ years, I’ve had the privilege of guiding hundreds of people through their career transitions, primarily through one-on-one coaching. Now, I’m excited to expand this offering into a group coaching experience, introducing more people to the Job Seeker 6 – my proprietary, values-based approach to career advancement.

Introducing the Job Seeker 6 Group Coaching Experience

What Makes This Coaching Program Different?

The heart of my coaching is a focus on Values-Based Job Searching. Unlike conventional job search strategies, the Job Seeker 6 starts by identifying your core values. This foundational step isn’t just about finding a job; it’s about finding the right job that aligns with who you are and what you stand for. This approach has been my cornerstone in coaching and has successfully guided countless individuals to fulfilling careers.

What’s in Store for You?

Our group coaching sessions will be intimate and interactive, aiming to welcome around 10 members (yes, spots are limited!). This is a BETA version of this group program, and here’s what you can expect:

Bi-weekly meetings guided by yours truly.

Personal access to me as your coach in between sessions.

A focus on the six key elements of the Job Seeker 6:

  1. Identifying your values.
  2. Developing a strategic job search plan.
  3. Crafting an impactful resume.
  4. Leveraging LinkedIn with best practices.
  5. Mastering the art of networking.
  6. Preparing for interviews with compelling stories.

Keeping It Simple Yet Effective

I’m a firm believer in the KISS principle – Keep It Simple, Stupid. This means while the process is straightforward, it’s by no means simplistic. It’s about striking the right balance – enough to challenge you but not overwhelm you.

Let’s Get Started

I’m looking to kick things off on February 12, so don’t wait too long – spaces are filling up! Reach out, express your interest, and I’ll bring us all together for this transformative journey.

Can’t wait to hear from you and get started on this exciting path together!

Here’s What  they’re Saying…

Lynn Conlin
Lynn Conlin
I had the pleasure of connecting with Darren at a networking event and was impressed by his ability to make you feel like a longtime friend rather than someone you just met. We remained in touch over the years and I recently had the opportunity to work with him as my career coach. I have been a fan of his LinkedIn posts, his writing style, the lessons he shares and his wit. It seemed natural to connect with him as a career coach as well. Darren has a unique ability to comfortably get you out of your comfort zone. He will challenge you to think differently; he asks insightful questions to help you probe your inner thoughts and look at where you want to be. He combines life lessons with job search lessons to make for well-rounded coaching sessions. Darren provided invaluable input on my resume as well as interview skills. He is a accomplished career and life coach and if you are in a place where you feel stuck or just need that nudge to keep you moving forward in your search, I highly recommend working with Darren.
Kevin Peterson
Kevin Peterson
Darren's guidance has been valuable to my job search journey. He provided advice on crafting a compelling resume and an engaging cover letter, helping me stand out in a competitive market. He offered a wealth of resources from interview tips to networking strategies. I highly recommend Darren to anyone at the beginning stages of their job search.
Mark Blechman
Mark Blechman
I connected with Darren at an inflection point in my life - personally and professionally. I am so grateful our paths intersected. Darren coached me through the intensive Positive Intelligence program, which propelled me into a course correction in how I navigate relationships and approach challenging situations. Darren’s support gave me the confidence to explore an exciting new path in my career. Thank you for everything, Darren!
Carri Pryor
Carri Pryor
Darren is an incredible coach, leader and mentor. I have had the privilege of working with him throughout the past year as my leadership coach and then he was our moderator through the Positive Intelligence program. As my leadership coach, he was always curious and inquisitive and helped me dig to the root of the challenges I was facing as a leader. And although he is helpful in making suggestions when I was coming up blank, he was very encouraging to help me develop my own thoughts and solutions. I would also HIGHLY recommend working with him through the Positive Intelligence program. This program helped me to sort through a number of deep rooted challenges I was facing both personally and professionally. Darren is genuine and caring and is phenomenal at what he does. I highly recommend working with him!
Travis Chastain
Travis Chastain
Darren is the best! He has helped so much in moving from darkness and lack of clarity on the direction of my business to small, digestible and consistent steps to take. He is very kind and he helps me talk out and clarify what’s already in me. Since working with Darren I have made such in roads for my business. Business is growing everyday in no small part due to his help! Thank you Darren!
Erin Scott
Erin Scott
I reached out to Darren as I was spinning my wheels on getting feedback from companies I was interested in working for. His approach help me hone into what I found most valuable in a company and align my search to find roles that were a better fit. What I went in looking for was help to figure out why I wasn't being noticed - what I received was incredible career coaching and support. Thanks Darren!
Emily Raguse
Emily Raguse
Work with Darren! I was fortunate to work with Darren during the pandemic. Like many people in the pandemic era I was going through a season of change as it related to my career. I was lacking confidence and clarity in what my next career move was going to look like. Darren provided tools that enabled me to articulate my story, rebuild my confidence, and get clear on my next career move. He also introduced me to Positive Intelligence - which I still use today in my work. I really appreciated his focus on mindset and getting clear on my personal values and goals and then making sure that aligned for my next role. An excellent coach to work with if you are looking for a holistic approach to your career journey!
Corrine Hill
Corrine Hill
Darren is awesome. He helped me to take all of the "abstract" things about me and my leadership qualities and condense them into a narrative that allows me to easily convey, to a broad audience, why I am good at what I do for work. My work with him has been affirming in many ways. I'm looking forward to future engagements with Darren as my career progresses! I highly recommend Darren.
shana troyer
shana troyer
I was introduced to Darren through a mutual friend/colleague during a time of great professional turmoil. To say I was lost was an understatement. I had lost all of my professional confidence and I wasn't sure what was next for me. My anxiety was at an all time high. The first thing Darren did was introduce me to Positive Intelligence (PQ). This was instrumental in helping me really look deeply within myself. Why I was reacting the way I was, where my belief system originated, labeling my thought processes for what they were, and helping me change so many of those thought patterns. It also gave me the tools to help me when I was overcome with anxiety. As we worked together, Darren never pushed me to see things his way or do what he would do. He would listen to me, he would help me dig deep into why I was thinking/behaving a certain way and how those thoughts/behaviors may be sabotaging me. He encouraged me to move beyond my comfort zone and to do things differently, if I wanted a different result. And more than that, he really helped me find me again....helped me relight my spark and regain some of my confidence. I was able to narrow down what it is I want to do and how I want to show up in my next role. In the four months we worked together, I went from having no interviews and being unsure of what I wanted to do, to being offered a role with an amazing company. I have been able to let go of many of my self limiting beliefs and self sabotage. I can't say enough good things about Darren or his coaching style. If you are stuck in your world, Darren can help you get unstuck. When he says "I've got your back," he means it.
Nathan Tigges
Nathan Tigges
I had the pleasure of working with Darren 2 years ago just before the beginning of the pandemic. I had already been looking to transition my job before I was laid off due to covid, but Darren helped me to focus my efforts, figure out exactly what I was looking to do and put me in front of people he knew that would help me to get where I wanted to go in my career. Not only did he do that, but he was flexible with me on scheduling sessions to fit my schedule and worked with me while I searched for a new job. He encouraged me to change the way I think about job searching and ultimately I ended up in a position that wasn't even hiring when I had reached out as a result of putting his coaching into practice. I believe Darren is effective at what he does to the point that when my wife was thinking of leaving her long term career but wasn't sure how to do that or where to go I strongly recommended that she at least have the initial consultation with Darren. She ended up doing his full 9 week coaching and landed her dream job.

“I was referred to Darren when I had hit a road block on my job search. I was looking to change industries, and wasn’t gaining traction on my search. He guided me to look at a more holistic picture of what I wanted in an employer to help me align my focus on finding that fit. He was my coach, my cheerleader and my champion as I trudged through the hard work of making sense of looking for a new career. I went in to the start of it skeptical on what real help I was going to be able to get and immediately understood the value he brought to the table. I can’t say enough about how he helped me gain clarity, enabling me to find that great new opportunity. 

Erin Scott

“I reached out to Darren at a low point in my job search. He showed me how to use my resources more effectively, offered suggestions on streamlining my efforts, asked questions that helped me better articulate and understand the shift I was trying to make, and ultimately helped me land my next role. He keeps things light and is super easy to connect with – I would highly recommend working with Darren!”

Molly McPhee,
.Director of Youth Programs

“Work with Darren! I was fortunate to work with Darren during the pandemic. Like many people in the pandemic era I was going through a season of change as it related to my career. I was lacking confidence and clarity in what my next career move was going to look like. Darren provided tools that enabled me to articulate my story, rebuild my confidence, and get clear on my next career move.” 


Emily Raguse

I HIGHLY recommend working with Darren through the Positive Intelligence program. This program helped me sort through a number of deep-rooted challenges I was facing both personally and professionally. Darren is genuine, caring and is phenomenal at what he does!

Carri Pryor, Denver, CO

Since completing Darren’s PQ coaching program, I have learned how to far better manage my job/life stress, as well as how to turn negatives into positives. The insight gained in this program continues to pay dividends for me every day.

Craig K., Rochester, NY

I’m shocked by what I’ve learned about myself; and also what I’ve grown to unlearn about how I react to situations.  I now realize the behaviors that got in the way of my success. This has been a truly transformative experience and something that I will practice for years to come.

Theo G
Denver, CO

Move From Meh! To Yeah! In Your Career

Still reading? Let’s not overcomplicate things. Yes, building your future can be challenging, and can take some time. But you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s get started!